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Monday, 13 November 2023



I'm not allowed to share anything about her homecoming on my blog. It was special and I felt very submissive, a real piss lover and whore. I can't describe what my feelings are. Words fall short. I worship my wife my owner, pimp and goddess. Someone to whom I can and may show that I am a real and I mean a real piss whore.

In response to poppetslut's question about how the collar went. Not that easy because I have to hold it with both hands because it is quite flexible. I have to look for something else that will stay in place and be sturdy. That's not all because there was also quite a lot of piss and so much that I couldn't drink it all away. It was leaking quite badly around my neck so that I was completely covered in piss. At one point I was completely submerged and I did my utmost to drink as much as possible but it was too much and also quite cold….